Poison Bait Box SCAM
1. A Resident or Business complains about rats and calls a pest company.
Instead of looking at why rats are present and what is attracting them such as- ivy, garbage, water, pet food left outside, etc.,
2. Pest Control Operator puts out poison BAIT boxes​
3. Poison bait boxes are now in your community.
4. A rodent smells BAIT and eats poison. One feeding will kill, BUT death takes several days.
The rodent grows weaker and is easily caught by beneficial predators
5. Pest control operator refills bait boxes each month and sends monthly bill to business, homeowner, HOA, etc.
Other rats smell BAIT are attracted to the area and also eat the poison BAIT.
6. The Pest company has now guaranteed a rat problem
because they are always putting out food for rats! Ensuring a monthly payment to them! This is their “bread & butter"
Diagram showing how pest control operators guarantee continuing profits by using poisons.